RedTrack supports RSOC and non-unique click-ID tracking to comply with RSOC limitations. No artificial handicaps, built-in integrations, teamwork solutions.
Tracking RSOC campaigns accurately is hard. The main challenge is that Google doesn’t provide revenue insights on a click ID level, making it difficult to accurately attribute revenue on a click level. There are also limitations imposed by RSOC providers on the number of unique channel names you can use daily. RedTrack allows efficiently avoid all those limitations and bring clarity to your RSOC ad campaigns.
Search traffic arbitrage calls for hundreds of active campaigns across multiple traffic channels split between media buyers. With RedTrack, you have as many active offers, campaigns, and traffic channels as you need.
All RedTrack accounts come with built-in API cost updates for Facebook, TikTok, Taboola and other popular ad networks. Add CAPI support and built-in Automated Rules and Ads Manager by RedTrack. Now you have analytics and automation to scale your search traffic arbitrage campaigns.
Search traffic arbitrage calls for hundreds of active campaigns across multiple traffic channels split between media buyers. With RedTrack, you have as many active offers, campaigns, and traffic channels as you need.