Tracking & Attribution Features
RedTrack provides multiple modes with the ability to track all of your channels across an array of different conversion events using a consistent set of KPIs for all teams involved.
Data collection (clicks)
Redirect Tracking Links are familiar to the majority of affiliate media buyers that enable the use of complex funnels with rotations, filters, autooptimization and split tests.
Direct Tracking tracks users when they reach either your landing page or website. This is of great benefit to direct advertisers or affiliates working with Google and Facebook.
RedTrack provides a mixture of Server-Side Tracking with on-page script. By using Parallel Tracking, the user is able to implement 100% custom Server-Side Tracking with used as a large data storage/attribution solution.
This feature tracks both paid and organic traffic in order to measure the overall campaign performance and website conversion paths.
Create and track simple or complex funnels with landers, pre-landers, listicles and rotations. Manage how different clicks go through the funnels with weights, filters and caps.
Track different publishers, influencers and referrals. You can use either Redirect Links, No-Redirect Links (provides additional boost to SEO) or Deeplinks in order to provide your publishers with a greater deal of flexibility while maintaining simple and consistent tracking.
Reward influencers whenever their unique human readable Promo-Codes are used.
RedTrack provides its users with a Universal Tracking Script that works across multiple campaigns and web-pages, enabling Server-Side Tracking. It operates from customer domains and the users first party cookies only. Such a solution provides both compliance with technology regulations and resilience against ad blockers that attempt to stop traditional tracking scripts.
IP addresses from countries covered by GDPR are stored in an obfuscated manner only and we do not collect any other PII data from clicks.
Data collection (conversions)
You can use up to 20 Custom Conversion Types and name them as you like.
RedTrack can track both Client-Side (web-page) and Server-Side (S2S postbacks and webhooks etc) conversion events to help you track each and every step of the conversion funnel and customer experience. It also enables us to seamlessly combine data from both online and offline conversion events.
Pre-Built Integrations with Shopify, WooCommerce and ClickBank to ensure a smooth set-up and to gather postback data.
No API - no problem. RedTrack can still track conversion with Pixels using first party data only. When combined alongside GTM, you can add them in minutes.
No API - no problem. RedTrack can still track conversion with Scripts using first party data only. This can be either implemented directly or via GTM.
Update/Edit conversion data using a flexible duplicate conversion management solution.
RedTrack provides its users with multiple options in order to manage duplicate postbacks and Deduplication to ensure accurate conversion of data for all conversion events.
RedTrack is able to handle PII Data (e-mail or phone) as part of a conversion event. It directly supports several key features ranging from channel conversion API (ex. Facebook API) to a special "Maximise Signals" solution. To ensure compliance, checks that all incoming PII data is hashed (anonymised) and if not - does it on the fly before saving it to the database.
Data attribution (conversion to click)
Implement the first click, last click or last paid click conversion attribution model and make the necessary changes as required.
Set the client side events Attribution Window for as long as you expect first party cookies to persist (we advise 30 to 90 days). Back end integrations are limited by the raw data storage period (min 1 year).
Report conversions by click time and conversion time. Changing the conversion reporting mode will allow you to recalculate historical data and compare LTV campaign performance against real-time results.
RedTrack collects multiple data points in order to perform real-time cross browser attribution across all paid campaigns.
Apply different models of conversion path data in order to understand how channel contribution affects your results.
Data quality
Filter out Known Bots from your data to prevent them from browsing your funnel.
Filter out Known Moderators from your data to prevent them from browsing your funnel.
Protect your Postback using a secret key while whitelisting IP's which allow conversions to be sent.
Protect your Landing Page from both bots and peers (works only for redirect campaigns).
Block Bot Black Lists from entering your Landing Page(s).
Fraud Detection
Data enrichment
Granular, close to real-time Cost Updates. No additional charges based on your specific budget.
Data sharing / Distribution
Google, Facebook and TikTok use 'AIs' to optimise your campaigns. They are only as good as the data which they receive. uploads your conversion data allowing ad-networks to develop quicker while becoming much more efficient at searching for your customers.
Send Conversions back to Google, Facebook, TikTok and Bing etc. without the box conversion API integration. This is good for post IOS 14.5, when there are no clickids.
Send Conversions back via S2S calls. Enrich your postback payload with click data and conversion data.
Decide which Conversions should be sent to traffic sources. Set-up specific names, categories, postback rules and define the conversion payload.
Send Conversions to Google Analytics. This works particularly well when you want to extend offline funnel data to Google Analytics.
Forward Impression data to either your server or business partner.
Forward Click data to either your server or business partner.