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facebook conversion attribution explained

Facebook Conversion Attribution 2023 Explained

How does Facebook Attribution work? How does Facebook count conversions? How does Facebook attribute conversions? If you find yourself constantly…

Facebook tools for advertising

Complete Facebook Business Manager toolset guide: Ads Manager and Events Manager Explained

Facebook is a complex ecosystem that allows businesses or advertisers to achieve crazy goals in terms of revenue or marketing…

facebook attribution

What’s wrong with Facebook conversion tracking & attribution? 

There’s no need to state again that from the beginning of 2021 Facebook conversion tracking and attribution got messed up….

RedTrack as a eCom Facebook Conversion API solution

Facebook Conversion API for eCom (Shopify, WooCommerce & others)

We are sure it’s not the first time you hear about the iOS 14 update this year. Apple made the…

Aggregated Events Measurement

Everything You Need to Know about Aggregated Events Measurement

When Apple released the iOS 14 update, Facebook had to play the game under different conditions. FB released a bunch…